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Do more than just answer and make sentences.
Learn how to speak fluently!
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Do more than just answer and make sentences.
Learn how to speak fluently!
Free trial class
Do more than just answer and make sentences.
Learn how to speak fluently!
Free trial class
Do more than just answer and make sentences.
Learn how to speak fluently!
Free trial class
Do more than just answer and make sentences.
Learn how to speak fluently!
Free trial class


At home, in the office or when traveling, ViaEnglish follows you wherever you are.
Our online classes are 100% interactive. In groups or with VIP classes you will reach the proficiency of the language and will conquer the world!

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Bruna Rinaldi
I started having classes at ViaEnglish when I was 13, and now, with the age of 18, I feel completely confident and satisfied with my development with the English language. The reason why I continue at ViaEnglish after all this time is the dynamic of the classes. The interactive classes help students participate much more and it’s really cool. I have always taken pleasure in having these classes and this is what makes ViaEnglish different. It was the best choice ever. It helped me get into college and for the whole life. Bruna Rinaldi
Marcio Mateus
I have studied at many language schools for long periods, but have never been confident to speak English. After I joined ViaEnglish, my confidence improved 100% and today I travel to just about everywhere in the world, speak English and even live abroad, because I’ve learned English and Spanish at ViaEnglish. ViaEnglish is more than just a school, it’s a partnership that helps you improve in many other areas of your life, due to the very communicative system. I’m very thankful for all the classes and the help I got from teachers who became also my friends. Marcio Mateus
Alexandre Victor Ferreira
Since I started the course with ViaEnglish, my English went through a very big change. I was completely stuck to learn and I had a lot of difficulties to speak the language before. However, the methodology of the classes, as well as the interactivity proposed by them are simply sensational and the results appear much faster than anywhere else. No doubts, ViaEnglish has become the best language school in the country. Alexandre Victor Ferreira